
To become the best, active and dynamic professional body in the field of LIS in terms of service to the members, professionals and to the profession in the county by adopting best and fair practices and innovative ideas.

Mission and Objectives

SALIS has framed its objectives by considering and accommodating the aspirations of its members particularly young and upcoming library professionals. The objectives are framed after considerable deliberations in appropriate forums. They are practicable, executable and achievable. The execution of these objectives are reviewed periodically in its Annual General Body(AGB) meetings. The President is reviewing the status of implementation of these objectives chapter wise with the office bearers of the respective chapters. The aims and objectives of SALIS are enumerated below:

  • To promote the development and advancement of Library and Information Science and Technology (LIST) and all related fields
  • To provide a common forum/network of Library and Information Science (LIS)
  • Professionals to meet frequently and exchange their ideas and share their experiences
  • To organise and conduct events of interest to the members such as meetings, lectures, seminars, conferences, training programmes, workshops, etc.
  • To disseminate important scientific, technical and other information relevant to the scope and objectives of the society through publication of newsletters, reports, etc.,
  • To collaborate with the various National/International professional bodies/agencies for the development of Libraries and Information Centres, etc. as well as for the professionals
  • To encourage professionals for there yeomen services to the profession by giving awards etc
  • To undertake projects and conduct research, etc in various areas of LIST
  • To promote application of Information Technology in Library and Information Centres in order to provide timely and quality services to the end users
  • To take active measures to inculcate the reading habits for developing the society